Power payments
for your crypto customers
Supercharge your business success with digital payments
Card payments, crypto and digital wallets are converging as consumers demand the ability to use a range of different currencies. Without a card programme in place, your customers are restricted in how they can use their crypto funds. Adding modern payment capabilities can change this dynamic and give them ability to spend their crypto funds with ease, in a much broader range of places.
Adding a card programme to your exchange
can provide benefits such as:

Reduced operating costs

Increased customer adoption and growth

Delivering a superior customer experience
Make Tribe your payments partner
Seamlessly bridge the crypto and fiat worlds
We’re heading towards a time where people can spend a range of digital assets anywhere in the world. But outdated banking processes stand in the way of this. Tribe's processing platform and payments technology was built for the digital age. It is designed from the ground up to meet the most demanding payment challenges.
We've already secured success for key crypto clients and we're working with more businesses in the crypto space to deliver the modern payments infrastructure that digital customers demand.
For more about our crypto knowledge and insight:
- Read our latest crypto articles:
Fintech Finance: Examining crypto's growing use cases
Payments Journal: What will it take to make crypto mainstream?
Bobsguide: Walking the tightrope on crypto regulation - Download our ebook: What do crypto businesses need to know about fiat payments?
If you'd like to know more about Tribe's payment processing capabilities, visit our solutions page, or book a meeting with one of the Tribe.