Life in the Tribe: Ramvydas - One of our front-end developers
What's it like being part of the Tribe? Ramvydas shares his insights into the team...
What was your first day at Tribe like?
It was a beautiful sunny summers day, and my desk was in the best place in the building. I was given all the right equipment as well as accessories to be able to do my job well. During the first day I read a lot about the company, products and how the tech applications work. I was also happy that I was not the only newbie starting that day!
What do you love about your job?
The atmosphere in the office is great. I have a very good team leader who creates a great dynamic within the team, doesn’t create stress and appreciates every team member. I also like that the company creates products that concentrate on quality. While - at the same time - Tribe is flexible - everyone can come up with new ideas and tools. Communication within the teams and wider office is great.
What does your usual day look like?
I come to the office around 9 to 10am, I go through email and chats and check what has happened during the night. I try to catch up with colleagues and then we have a stand up to find out what people are working on and if we can assist each other. Then I get down to coding. But, each hour I try to have a break from the screen to recharge - sometimes even playing table tennis.
How would you describe Tribe’s culture?
Warm, informal communication, flexible - everyone is easy to get on with and accessible. I also like the fun company events and get togethers!
How would you describe Tribe in 1 word?
Definitely the word 'fun'.